Coming from a small barren, inhospitable corner of North Paraguay almost up to the border to Bolivia called Cerro Leon. Always grows solitary, it is a variable low growing species especially for spination. (Some plants have minimal spination while others seem quite heavily armed). Glossy green, dull olive-green to brownish, flattish globular (mature plants may become slightly short columnar) 2 1/2" to 6" across, with a somewhat sunken apex.
Stout, awl shaped spines are glassy white to light-brown in clusters of about 7 mostly straight up to 1/2" to 1 1/2" in length, very symmetrical, and tending to curve upwards, away from the body of the cactus. No obvious central spine. The 1 or 2 central spines when they exist are the same length.
Flowers are mostly near the apex, bell-shaped, pure white or white with a hint of lilac, about 1 1/2" in length and diameter. Inner petals are white to light pink, outer petals are a light purple color with a dark purple center strip. Filaments and style are white and flowers freely throughout the Summer. As with most Gymnocalycium, it is a summer grower species that offers no cultivation difficulties.