Friday, November 26, 2010

Euphorbia suzannae

Euphorbia suzannae
Suzanna's Spurge

Love this little plant, one of the most interesting Euphorbias in the Death Valley Shack collection. This one is very small, I think its planted in a 3 1/2" pot. Named after the wife of the discoverer Dr. Muir.

Euphorbias are a truly interesting plant. So many varieties and different growing conditions. There are over 2000 species of Euphorbias in the world. They range from annual weeds to trees. They all have latex and a unique flower structure. A significant percentage is succulent, but they are mostly originating from Africa and Madagascar, but there are also a few from the Americas. The Euphorbias are named after a Greek surgeon called Euphorbus. He was physician of Juba II who was the Romanised king of a North African kingdom, and is supposed to have used their milky latex as an ingredient for his potions.

Several Euphorbias are garden plants, the most popular being the Poinsettia and Diamond Frost an annual that is used in container planting.

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