Thursday, August 12, 2010

Scarlet Ball Cactus


The Notocactus haselbergii is a solitary, fast growing, up to 4 inches high and 6 inches wide. The location of origin is Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul. This variety is actually a shade loving plant.

Notocactus is a genus of around 25 species of South-American cacti from low elevations of Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Southern Brazil. It is where the land is quite dry and the daytime temperatures can get high. In collections they are grown for their spine formations, as well as for their attractive flowers. The genus name comes from the Greek for "cactus from the south". Notocactus are almost always globose, elongating as they age, some species eventually reach 3 feet. They are often solitary, rarely offsetting, or producing stolons. Their flowers are funnel or bell shaped, yellow, or occasionally red. They come in groups of 3 or 4 at several times during the year and lasting around a week.

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